Thursday, January 01, 2009

If the old wives tale rings true about who you spend New Year's Eve with, you can look forward to a good year ahead with them, then ours was and will be gggreat. Tyler and I headed to Sioux City to try our luck with G'ma and G'pa for a Musketeers hockey win. Unfortunately, the Muskies lost 2-5. Tyler on the other hand had skill and a little luck on his side. After downing a 36 inch pixie stix he "chucked a puck". #595 landed on a $10 gift certificate to the Siouxland Humane Society. It doesn't expire until 08-09 so he's got some time left to convince me to use it towards getting a dog. Like I told him...we'll see.
We'd also like to send birthday wishes to our favorite twin cousins, Madison and Maggie. They turn 3 today.
Trivia Question:

What "New" year is it?

Hint: It's not 1994 like the fashion mogul is sporting.

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