Sunday, September 24, 2006

How the feature race finished up.
Randy Perkins handing Tyler his 2nd place trophy.
Before the Junior I gas class started their feature they lined up according to how they finished this year. Tyler got first place and is the 2006 track championship for his respective class.
A wise man, more than once, told me, "If racing was easy everyone would do it." He sure was right. We've certainly had our season of ups and downs, highs and lows, and crying and smiling. In the end I guess you could say it was worth it. We met some really great people, gained a lot of knowledge on what "not" to do and had a lot of fun along the way.
Over the past month Tyler has been debating whether or not to race next year. At the beginning of the season he set a goal for himself, gave up a lot to achieve it, and in the end met it. So with that being said this will be our last year of racing go karts. He has decided that he wants to pursue his other interests in baseball and football. Two of the sports he had to give up in order to race. We are very proud of him and will continue to support future goals he wishes to attain.
Thank you to everyone who helped with supporting his year in karting. Truthfully, without it we couldn't have done it. November 18th is the Banquet where the kids will be presented with trophies for their year of hard work. As always I will continue to post Tyler's other activities and maybe even think of a name change.
Thank you all!!!

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